Saturday 19 October 2013

Voyage to Brobdingnag

                                                                                          Hi friends i share the video of gullivers travel part-2

Saturday 28 September 2013

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Post-viewing Task on Screening movie 'Hamlet'by Kenneth Branagh

      Respected sir,
                                 First of all I would like to tell that screening is more effective than reading. It is easy to understand but language is extent to hard. Now I gave answer of the question.
                                The movie is quite faithful to the original play. There are many similarities between play and movie. Director makes many changes into movie. He make situation for the demand of the script.
                                   My perception about play, character or situation changed because there were many scenes are different than play e.g. the scene of mirror and when Ophelia become mad she had been tortured by other servant of palace .
                               And yes I felt ‘aesthetic delight’ when hamlet talk about his love for his father & his wish of revenge. It was because   Hamlet understands it as his duty.
                            And about the catharsis I want to say that I felt catharsis in Mirror scene when Hamlet tells Ophelia to become a Nun which was very strange  and also when Hamlet behave  crudely with his mother in Gertrude’s Bedchamber scene and also in  an end of the movie very strange  for me .
                             And yes Sir I want to say thank you for screening movie Sir it was really very interesting and help us to understand the play without any trouble.
                           And  in ans of your next question the whole movie that I will cherish for lifetime it was very nice movie.
                           At last in your last question’s ans I says that  If I will remaking of movie I would like to change in love story of Hamlet and Ophelia’s life.
                   Sir it was very nice and faithful to original play by which we can understand play within a few second.
                                                                     Thank you Sir

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Rewriting Robinson Crusoe from the perspective of Friday

Respected Mam                                                                                                                                         First would like to define the meaning of SUBALTERN IT means marginalized group. Here i present my view about your question.In this novel there is a chapter No.9 where Robinson Crusoe gains a companion who met him on Friday so he call him Friday.Friday was saved by Crusoe so he become servant of Crusoe and Crusoe teach him the word MASTER and he says that Friday saved by me. Friday see how his master do work and then as same he do work as Crusoe did.Friday is very intelligent he do all things quickly.Friday says that he believe to Crusoe as his God because Crusoe also saved his father's life and he says that i lived with Crusoe as his companion and he do his work for his master.Thus in this novel character of Friday is also very important.Friday prove himself as Crusoe's servant when he cut out the head of other enemy within a second.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Thank You.                           

Education system is still primitive: Sam Pitroda

Respected me'm it is really an interesting article about education system by Sam Pitroda.He talked about Mahatma Gandhi it is truth we can change the system of this time but we need to start and thus we can bring Chang by our good try but start from ourselves instead of other. Thank you me'm for this beautiful article which give us inspiration for something do for our future which give us bright future                                                                                                                       Thank you

Tuesday 16 July 2013


                                                               About Myself

                                     My name is Maheta Arati. I have completed my graduation from S.N.D.T.University Bombay. My hobby is reading, listening music & helping the people. I believed that ‘’God help them who help themselves’’. I want to become a class one officer and try to do my best to destroy the corruption. I like very much reading and my favorite author is William Shakespeare & Dr. Sharad Thackar. I try to become a good person in society. And I will try to do my best in my any type of responsibility in my life.